The Lockdown Rambles #2

The Lockdown Rambles #2 Buildings & Structures While on rambles to explore the nearby countryside throughout lockdown, the further I ventured, the more places previously unknown revealed themselves. These discoveries captured my attention; and with that, my imagination. Later, I started looking at the images that I took from a different perspective, in a differentContinueContinue reading “The Lockdown Rambles #2”

The Lockdown Rambles #1

The Lockdown Rambles #1 Trees While on lockdown rambles to explore the nearby countryside, the further I ventured, the more places previously unknown revealed themselves. These discoveries captured my attention; and with that, my imagination. Having taken plenty of photos of the things I had seen, I later started looking at the images from aContinueContinue reading “The Lockdown Rambles #1”